FAQ. Frequently asked questions. It is funny in this industry how people ask exactly the same questions with reference to an alcohol home detox program. So here are the most common questions we get asked.
FAQ – Frequently asked questions
- When can I start my home detox program? TODAY (or whenever you want to)
- How much will it cost me, in total? £1,295 (and that is all you pay)
- Can I stay at a friends house to do my detox? YES (you can stay anywhere as long as you have someone with you)
- Does my doctor find out? NO
- Do my friends and family find out? NO
- What if i have a problem in the night? WE ARE HERE (24/7)
- Is the medication addictive? NO
- Is the medication from the UK? YES
- Does the nurse really call a minimum of 4x a day? YES
- How many nurses will I have? ONE
- Are the nurses female? NO (all the nurses are male)
- Can I still go to work during my detox? NO (you will be on a mild sedative)
- Does the nurse come to my house? NO (no need to)
- Can I drive my car? NO ( you will be on a mild sedative)
- Do you do an assessment to see if I need a detox? YES
- Can I still eat during my detox? YES (eat normally)
- How many times a day will I get medication? 4 times a day
- Will I go into withdrawal? NO
- Will I feel sick? NO
- How long will it take? 7 to 10 days
- Will it work? YES
- Will I have injections? NO
Contact us
I am sure you will have many more questions you may wish to ask. If so call us now on Tel: 07811 606 606 and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. It might be an idea to write them down before you call. Also you may also like to discuss our residential rehab and detox programs. This is where you stay in one of the rehab centres we have available. They are not as expensive as you think.