Alcohol Home Detox Leeds
Alcohol Home Detox Leeds. It only takes between 7 and 10 days to detox you from alcohol. Then you are free from alcohol. What I find with most clients, and myself when I got through my addiction to alcohol was. It is like coming out of a cloud of chaos. The world seems so different when you are not reliant on alcohol. Everything is so much clearer to see. I must say. I have so many clients say to me “why did I not do this years ago”. I know now it feels like your whole world is such hard work. But once you are through this. You will; feel 100% better.
Will I have Cravings
Why would you? We will give you the same medication we give our clients in our residential rehab centres. This stops any cravings. You will feel like you have had a drink. You will not want or need a drink. It is like having your life back, before you started drinking. Look at where you are now, too when you started. Your addiction to alcohol has only ever got worse. It has never got better. And yes, it will carry on getting worse until you have past the point of no return. This is where a detox will not work, as you have been drinking too long. It is now just a matter of time sadly until you pass.